Saturday, October 6, 2012

Nobody ever said...

...being a parent is easy, but we all think deep down: "It's different with your own kid." Now that isn't entirely untrue, but when you're faced with the problems that parents come toe to toe with, you sometimes wonder: "Am I really cut out for this?"

Imagine:  Sleeping peacefully until you're snatched from dreamland by a blood curdling scream.  You flip over, terrified--not knowing if you'd been attacked, if someone was breaking in, only to see your child grinning from ear to ear and standing on the edge of your crib.

Now stop with the bull about thinking: "How cute."

Nothing is cute at 3 a.m. in the morning when you're given a cockadoodledoo like that.

It's difficult at any age--much less being a teenager, and though I've learned that I'm not first anymore, my eyelids want different when it comes to my sleep.

I got pregnant when I was a senior in high school.  I got married at six months pregnant two months after I graduated. (But I hold my head high when I say I DID INDEED graduate!) I have moved from being a child to being a wife and mom, and while the transition was--and sometimes IS STILL--difficult, I'm learning how to do things.

I guess I'm just rambling...but in truth, if I just got to one person--that's all I wanted.

By the way, I decided to go to a festival! It seems my floors will have to wait till tomorrow! If anyone's tried it however, email me at!

Send feed back, suggestions, and questions!

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